Hello Sudowncat followers, get to know our new wallpapers, this wallpapers are always in resolution above 4k, remember that the wallpapers of series Aeon Sweting Golden Wing and Aeon The Free Flight, among other series that are created for part Sudowncat Corporation, they are totally free, you can purchase free wallpapers on our wallpaper or buy directly from Sudowncat Store. Know the latest wallpapers that have been created directly from our DeviantArt.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
News Movements For Russell Ferguson From Littlest Pet Shop
Hello Sudowncat followers, learn about the latest developments that have been given to character Russel Ferguson from Littlet Pet Shop, the attacks that have been added for the moment are listed below (For moment the list of movements is in the Japanese language.):
Movements Special List:
- 保護有刺 (Finish)
- 我慢 (In Progress)
- 有刺飛行 (Finish)
- サプライズ攻撃 (In Progress)
- 補助鳥 (In Progress)
- 鳥素晴らしさ (In Progress)
- ボール有刺 (Finish)
- 火の玉 (In Progress)
Video Preview Aeon The Free Flight (Russell ferguson) Published For Sudowncat Corp. if you want to read the description of video you can do it click here.
Littlest Pet Shop Characters (Coming Soon)
Hello Sudowncat Followers, we inform you that Littlest Pet Shop characters will be available only for Sudowncat MUGE2VS Fighters program, if you want characters for MU.G.E.N program, you will have to acquire characters for separately (buy only in store), we will inform you when they are available for purchase. These will have a cost of $25.00 USD.
We invite you to donate for Sudowncat Corporation, this way you will be helping to continue creating characters and programs that will benefit you. You can donate here, the donation is safe for part of our partners.
Sudowncat Servicies Update
Hello followers of Sudowncat, we inform you that we will stop uploading videos via YouTube, due to new policies that affect our YouTube channel. The new videos will be published by the page of Sudowncat and Vimeo for the moment when we repair the account of Dailymotion. Likewise they are informed that the project 10 called Aeon Sweting Golden Wing will be out of service, for reasons of the 10.17604.1804 update, they are sent to notify to our followers of every change that suffers the project, also will be added the history of the version. It is also informed that Project 10 will be sold on our site if you want to continue playing the game in its version "free to play" You can continue to do so but this version only come to the version 4.7.0, and will not be updated, if you want the new features of Game we recommend acquiring the project.
At the moment we appreciate your attention
Friday, February 23, 2018
Sudowncat Insider Center Upgraded
Know the new Sudowncat Insider Center, here you will find new and outstanding information of our page in your English language, if you want to know the previous topics of Sudowncat Insider Center you can access the old center by clicking here.