Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sudowncat Servicies Update

Hello followers of Sudowncat, we inform you that we will stop uploading videos via YouTube, due to new policies that affect our YouTube channel. The new videos will be published by the page of Sudowncat and Vimeo for the moment when we repair the account of Dailymotion. Likewise they are informed that the project 10 called Aeon Sweting Golden Wing will be out of service, for reasons of the 10.17604.1804 update, they are sent to notify to our followers of every change that suffers the project, also will be added the history of the version. It is also informed that Project 10 will be sold on our site if you want to continue playing the game in its version "free to play" You can continue to do so but this version only come to the version 4.7.0, and will not be updated, if you want the new features of Game we recommend acquiring the project.

At the moment we appreciate your attention


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